Chris Kontes, COO and Co-Founder, Balto
Chris Kontes is the COO and Co-Founder of Balto, the #1 real-time guidance platform. After graduating from Franklin & Marshall College, Kontes joined Venture for America, a nonprofit that places entrepreneurial college graduates in growing startup ecosystems. Venture for America introduced Chris to TopOPPS, an enterprise SaaS company in Saint Louis. As he quickly made his way through the TopOPPS sales organization, Kontes and his now-cofounder noticed how easy it was to make the same mistakes on sales calls repeatedly. This insight led to the inception of Balto, a software solution that provides real-time guidance to customer service agents and sales representatives using artificial intelligence and conversation analytics. The company also recently launched real-time coaching and real-time QA - features that allow managers to score 100% of calls instantaneously as well as guide agents’ calls directly, all within the same platform.Since its founding in 2017, Balto has guided over 80M phone calls and provided over 160M real-time recommendations for agents.